Premium vodka at discount prices - Wódka wants to topple Grey Goose

Over ten years ago, Sidney Frank created something that is now as well-regarded as “The Grey Goose effect” and that has forever altered the spirits category. Rather than price competitively, the notion was that, “Americans will and want to pay more - you just have to give them a good story.” Retailers like 1-877-SPIRITS currently lists a 1.75 liter bottle of Grey Goose at $109.00.

Fast forward to 2010 when "Snooki" Polizzi and "The Situation" Sorrentino rule Jersey shore, a recession hits and "budget" is on everyones mind. Cheap is hawt, y'all.

So, while the global premium vodka volume remains stable, the overall revenue in the category is on the decline. Americans still want quality, but they don't want to throw money away. New strategy!

Enter Wódka vodka, a premium Polish rye spirit which retails at $15 per 1.75 liter bottle and is rated as the top-value vodka by Promising “Hamptons Quality, Newark Pricing” - you can’t miss the Wódka billboards if you’re driving through Times Square or coming out of the Holland tunnel from, well, Newark.

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