Play with your food part one

If you are going to advertise anything with/about/or for food, creatives tend to play with it like little children...

Play with your food!!

Client: MinuteMaid

Line reads:
How would you feel about breakfast inbed for the rest of your life?

Seen In:People magazine 1998.

Client: French's mustard
Line reads:What do you mean this isn't French's?<
Seen In:People magazine, again.

Client: Oreidea
Agency: I dunno Do you??
AD: Bob Pullum CW: --
Line reads:Potato was always the popular one. People find him appealing.
Secretly I've always wantedto be a potato.

Seen In:People magazine! again!(Also in Archive number 5/99,see play with your food
part two for more!)'s king of research strikes again!

"Anyway, the attached set
all appeared intwo consecutive issues of People magazine during the
summer of 1998. Obviously, a lot of creatives like playing with their
food. Did they have egg on their faces when these ads were published?
Probably not. Their undemanding clients are probably used to a bland, derivative diet.
Which reminds me, it's time for lunch. " has always played with food in ads...It's sort of the case of 'same layout' again isn't it?
I know I've done it, somewhere in the 'gawd, thats too easy'- pile of my scrapped work is a breakfast plate similar to the top ad pictured here. Only difference is, I was selling a comedy club. (It made complete sense in that campaign,trust me)

The bottom example however is extremely similar to a dutch supermarket-chains ads last winter. First a childrens book came out with pictures of pears that looked like donkeys and oranges that looked like cats and strawberries that looked like smurfs came out, beautifully shot fruit and a cute book. A few months later a less beautifully shot campaign with the exact same images came out for Albert Hein and appeared in ads and on the bags...Anyone got a copy of that? It was made by FHV/BBDO Amsterdam.

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