"Pilo" is a typographic debut by Kenneth Pilo, in collaboration with Mårten Fischer, Ray Larabie, and Göran Söderström. The font has evolved from the logo on Pilo's & posses website bold, a Swedish advertising and design forum where the above mentioned typographers hang out. One day the guys just figured that hey, why not make a real font out of it, and so they did. Now you too can play with the bold font, called "Pilo" because calling it "bold" would be both confusing and silly.
Check out Pilo
That font looks very familiar. Who else has one like that?
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PermalinkI dunno, I've always felt like I'm having some sort of ABBA cover flashback when I look at it.
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PermalinkThat could be it. It also reminds me of Sonic The Hedgehog, for some reason.
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PermalinkCheers dude and dudette,
After we finished the font someone told me that SEGA had a logo (not a font) with a familiar feel. I am not a "game boy" so I didn´t have a clue about that.
However, since the font is based on the bold.se logo (designed by my friend Björn Höglund at swedish daddy...the original work was with lower case and the negative kerning as the "main course". Someway along the way we decided to include capitals as well, for the benefit om Mr and Mrs....eh...Typophile.
I like the way "Pilo" turned out and a sibling might be on it´s way *world exclusive*.
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