Philly home of great beer and gay tourists


"It's a global first, and Philadelphia has it. Philadelphia today becomes the first city anywhere to debut a gay-themed tourist destination commercial."

More at Seattlepi; "A new TV ad campaign featuring a same-sex couple in colonial costume invites gay tourists to come to the City of Brotherly Love, and a gay media group said it's the first time a television commercial for a U.S. tourist destination has targeted homosexuals."

Tagline: "Come to Philadelphia. Get your history straight and your nightlife gay."

You can read the description, see a story board and watch the QT of this ad at the CommercialCloset

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deeped's picture

Fun payoff.

Dabitch's picture

Yeah, I can picture the CW high-fiving the AD once it was approved. ;)

deeped's picture

Or they five'd something else :)...

Interesting is that Philly is the first that try to take a bit of the 'pink economy'-cake through advertising (although Stockholm was doing a minor trial on it last year). Maybe SF don't need to spend on ads since that town is the GayTown Default... Looking forward to find info on the effect of the campaign.

CopyWhore's picture

I guess they're taking that City of Brotherly Love bit to the next level... Although, I'm suprised, quite frankly, since Philly seems so un-metrosexual, with its fixation on cheese steaks and overall blue-collar vibe .