Peter and the wolf nominated for an Oscar.

Peter & the Wolf – co-produced at Semafor Studios, represented worldwide by HANraHAN – has been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Short Animated Film.

Alan Dewhurst, HANraHAN’s executive producer for animation, produced and line produced this acclaimed digital stop-frame adaptation of Prokofiev’s much-loved classic.

HANraHAN’s Alan Dewhurst said, “This is a wonderful tribute to the extraordinary talent and dedication of everyone who worked on the film. It was a privilege to work on this magnificent story with such a team”.

Peter & the Wolf has resonated deeply with generations of children, enchanted by its power and sense of fun. This innovative animated film version is set to a new recording by the Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Mark Stephenson. The film sold out the Royal Albert Hall for its world premiere, w! hich was accompanied live by the Philharmonia Orchestra. Its television premiere was on Channel Four. It was nominated for a BAFTA and has since gone on to win a Montreux Rose d’Or; the Annecy Cristal and Prix du Public; the Pulcinella Award for Best European Programme.

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When I was a little boy, I loved listening to Peter and the Wolf almost as much as Dabitch's daughter loves the Apoteket commercial. The José Ferrer and Leonard Bernstein versions were my favorites. And I'll admit that I still have the Bernstein version on my iPod, and I find it very calming when I'm stressed out.