PETA - Porn shoot - Director's cut 'banned' super bowl spot (2004) :60 (USA)

Peta insists that Meat Can Cause Impotence, and so was the rejected Super Bowl Ad "Director's Cut" porn shoot idea born. Peta tells us:

What's a porn director to do when his carnivorous main man goes 'soft?' Watch PETA's newest ad, rejected by CBS for the Super Bowl, to learn why leading men should never eat meat.

yeah, not buying this. I think that PETA intended to be rejected from the Super Bowl, saving them the $2.3 million pricetag, and just using this viral ad to get millions of dollars worth of publicity instead.

If you look at Super Bowl past, we've seen two erectile dysfunction drugs and this year there was a McDonald's spot that showed a husband getting quite excited after noticing the smell of a cheeseburger wrapper on his wife’s clothes.

Also, the impotence angle has already been definitively covered by past anti-smoking ads. Flaccid cigarettes and all. Conclusion: Not buying it.

Client: PETA

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