Persil "Monster Stains: the art of stain removal" (2016) 2:16 (UK)

Cool stop motion film made from food stains. Hence the "art" part of the stain removal. Every stain has a story and this story took 2,576 washes, with 28 stains on 340 school shirts. I love the credits at the end, listing all of the stains who starred here.

Brand: Persil/Unilever
Agency: Ogilvy
Animation Studio: Aardman
Production Agency: Kode
Audio Production Agency: Jungle
Media Agency: Mindshare
Exposure: Cinema and online (website, social, eCommerce)

Brand Equity Director: James Hayhurst
Senior Brand Manager: Sarah Laker
Assistant Brand Manager: Nick Frentz
Executive Creative Director: Andre Laurentino
Creative Directors: Johnny Watters & Angus George
Account Director: Kush Thakrar
Head of Production: Mike Kerry
Head of Design: Dave Towers
Head of Entertainment: Cody Hogarth
Creative Director: Merlin Crossingham
Senior Producer: Stephanie Owen
Director: David Barr
Head of Commercial
Jack Goodwin

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