Peek Freans Lifestyle Selections -As the Cookie Crumbles - Episode three, the fight - (2008) 4:37 (Canada)

In Episode three of "As the cookie crumbles" a fight breaks out between bartender Cameron and police officer Steve, in which they both instantly lose their shirts. Nice edit, guys.

It's an original web-based soap opera series for Kraft Canada's brand Peek Freans Lifestyle Selections. This is episode three in a series of eight episodes. All the episodes can be viewed online at It’s a very unique campaign - we’ve done our best to replicate familiar soap opera style, but keeping in full view that this is definitely a branded spoof. The show’s got a 10-person cast and familiar storylines of adultery, mystery and deception. It’s even bookended by "brought to you by" messages reminiscent of TV shows from days gone by when they were produced by companies or brands.

Ad agency: MacLaren Momentum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Creative Director: Jon Freir
Art Director: Rob Ciancamerla, Christy Nguyen, John Loerchner
Copywriter: Ren Olivieri
Account Team: Cass Enright, Lisa Chinnery, Emma Toth
Country: Canada
Campaign Running Date: September - November, 2008

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Too bad that website no longer works, I'm interested in seeing the remainder of these ads.