Peach Street Distillers "This is Peach Street" (2016) 1:00 (USA)

There's a lot of "maybes" in this spot, but they all add up to a small batch artisanal distiller that makes more than 25 different beverages and has a philosophical love of peaches. This effort is part of a larger rebrand created by Red Tettemer O’Connell + Partners.which includes new packaging and a new website. I like the way the site and this spot look. And the spot really encapsulates what they stand for as a brand. I'm not sure I love the folksy manifesto but its folksiness saves it from being something than the usual kind of manifesto spot that the big conglomerates usually run. The most jarring part to me though is the music. I love the drums and I'm a drummer, but it just feels like an odd music choice.

Client: Peach Street Distillery
Agency: RTO+P

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Dabitch's picture

I liked the drums, actually, that felt folksy too. I was a little wigged out by the horned goat in a suit-jacket portraits though. Tres odd.