Paris vs New York, Art Directors vs Copywriters, original vs inspired?

A hipster / Un Bobo

Do you know Vahram Muratyan? He's a graphic artist who lives bouncing between Paris and New York, and he's done some lovely images comparing the two cities. The coulée verte vs the high line and pâtisserie vs pastrami being my personal favorites. His project became a book: Paris versus New York: A Tally of Two Cities, and a Paris versus New York Postcard Box.

Meanwhile, if you've never heard of Caio Pena (AD), Henrique Parada (AD) and Letícia Hanower (CW) you might have seen their copywriters vs art directors graphics. According to comments at the ever fancy Fubiz they created the "copywriters vs art directors" graphics. Tres cute, and kinda funny even if we know these jokes by heart. Art directors have clean paged moleskins (guilty) while copywriters have lined ones (indeed, mine does).

I'm having a bit of double style&idea vision here, but that might just be me. Perhaps it's just that they both have that je ne c'est quoi. ;)

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@h4emtfr tweeted that there's a similar set over at AsianOffbeat: China vs Germany. Attaching the most graphically similar one as the others stick to clip art human style, you can check them on the AsianOffBeat site if you don't mind google-text-ads in every dang image (wow, that's obnoxious. Almost as bad as making people answer a survey to read a blog post)