Portuguese Association of the Hyperactive Child (which I abbreviated to PAHC in the title) is an organization benefiting Portuguese children with hyperactivity. To help, Nylon agency partnered with a national radio station to create radio spots with therapeutic effects. They had some well known Portuguese personalities read some stories while some musicians played Tibetan singing bowls. This sound caused a frequency that
would literally change the beta frequency of our brain waves to an alpha state. As a result the children found it easier to learn and felt more relaxed at night.
Client: Portuguese Association of the Hyperactive Child
Advertising Agency: Nylon Agency, Lisbon, Portugal
Agency website: http://www.imnylon.com
Chief Creative Officer: Joah Santos
Executive Creative Director: João Gomes de Almeida
Art Director: Filipe Mateus
Copywriter: João Gomes de Almeida
Account Director: Pedro Miguel Garcia
Production Company: Digital Mix - Dmix Som e Música
Executive Producer: Elvis Veiguinha
Producer: Carlos Ferreira