Our love is sponsored by Monsanto

Reverend Billy had a completly different comment to all the hubub about bzzzketeers on the bzzagents blog. It read as follows:

Lover #1: Oh baby baby I love you so much.
Lover #2: I love you too… brought to you by Monsanto.
Lover #1: What’s that?
Lover #2: I love you brought to you by Monsanto.
Love #1: But, what does that mean?
Lover #2: I love you brought to you by Monsanto.
Lover #1: Oh God no, what?…
Lover #2: Honey, I do love you, but now my love is sponsored by Monsanto.
Love #1: But why? I’m not into three-somes.
Lover #2: That’s not funny. Monsanto is a very solid company. I did it to finance our honeymoon, and if they renew the agreement, we can send our children to private schools. I have to say it again now. I love you brought to you by Monsanto genetically altered milk. Now drink your latte with the Monsanto milk in it and smile at the people in this Starbucks. Tell them you like it.
Love #1: You mean you signed me up for this too?
Lover #2: I have agreed that we will have a happy Monsanto marriage. We have to smile. I love you, this love is made possible through the generous gift of your friends at Monsanto.
Lover #1: The sponsorship deal states that I have to repeat it three times every two minutes and that you repeat it also. And we both have to smile and our children, after I give birth --- our kids have to smile too.
Lover #1: And you contracted that the whole family — and our unborn children -- would repeat Monsanto slogans? For how many years? Incredible! But, but ---we’ll be repeating this phrase all day.
Lover #2: And all night.
Lover #2: Sweetheart. ---Oh I know that it won’t be easy at first. But we’ll get used to it. Look outside at all those slogans on signs and buildings everywhere. On people’s clothing… People get used to it. Don’t worry. I love you, brought to you by Monsanto (looking at watch)

Continue reading skit on the Reverands own website

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