Lots of great stuff in the show this year. Finally, some real emotion is going into and therefore, coming out of the work. For laughter and sardonic joy, check out https://nolaf.org - an effort on behalf Tostitos to eradicate any kind of fun and enjoyment in the world. It's ROTFL funny. To be genuinely frightened, visit https://hotel626.com - another corn-based dip chip experience, this one for Doritos. If it doesn't scare you, there's something wrong with you emotionally. To have some fun, like real, light and refreshing enjoyment stuff, plug into the sprint now widget at https://now.sprint.com/widget/ . And finally, if you just want to feel extremely depressed and confused, take a prozac suppository and type in https://www.diesel.com/ - Diesel's latest in a storied descent into hell.
I really liked nolaf - I hope it does well.
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