Oakland A's - Fast - (2010) :30 (United States):

A's re-branding and ad campaign for the 2010 season. Series of ten tongue-and-cheek, 30-second spots featuring A's players

Advertised brand: Oakland A’s
Spot title: Fast
Ad agency: Hub Strategy
Executive Creative Director: DJ O’Neil
Creative Director: DJ O’Neil
Art Director: Jason Rothman
Copywriter: Chris Elzinga
Account Executive: Alison Lane
Director: DJ O’Neil
DP: Jason Mitchell
Agency Producer: Angelina Dilg
Editing: Hub Strategy
Post Production: Rough House
Music: Quickspotz
Principal Talent / VO : A’s Players
City: San Francisco
Country: US
Agency website: hubstratgey.com
Date of campaign: April-June 2010

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