Notorious predator Terry Richardson has been banned from working with Condé Nast

To the surprise of absolutely no one in the fashion and advertising industry, notoriously predatory Terry Richardson, who shot the above campaign for Lee jeans, has been banned from working with Condé Nast in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal. There are so many models out there right now breathing a sigh of relief. But not only does this affect future jobs, anything in the pipeline right now has also been ordered to either be killed or substituted. In an email sent by Condé Nast COO James Woolhouse to the all of the country presidents, read in part:

I am writing to you on an important matter. Condé Nast would like to no longer work with the photographer Terry Richardson.

Any shoots that have been commission[ed] or any shoots that have been completed but not yet published, should be killed and substituted with other material.

Please could you confirm that this policy will be actioned in your market effective immediately. Thank you for your support in this matter.

Why it is as if the Magazine editors realized that the often sexual work that Terry produces is no longer in Vogue, forgive the pun. In 2014 Terry wrote a post "correcting the rumours", where he defends his work and work practices against "internet gossip and false accusations against me."

“I collaborated with consenting adult women who were fully aware of the nature of the work, and as is typical with any project, everyone signed releases.”

Still, many women have accused Terry of sexual harassment during sessions and his images alone are "basically porn", as The Cut Magazine described his Miley Cyrus shoot. Aside from the nudity, we should be over that cheap flash aesthetic. Why any reputable magazine or brand would want to be associated with that is beyond me.

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Addie's picture

He's not a photographer. I've worked behind a camera for nearly 20 years. This guy is nothing but a sleaze bag with Nikon, and a large flash. A flash that is ALWAYS aimed directly AT his air-straddling, way-too-young, subject. He isn't creative. He isn't interesting. He's someone's dirty uncle. Kick rocks, Uncle T-Rex. We have no room for you. Pig.