Nintendo's Most Ambitious Campaign yet

Showing in theaters near you --Nintendo's epic cinema ad featuring 500 extras flocking to an electronics shop in ways you've never imagined.

Don't be fooled by the very Asian feel of the ad, it's actually an ad crafted for the US market and was conceptualized by Leo Burnett, US.

Soon print ads, wall murals, mall banners and dioramas, in-store merchandising will be populated by a multitude of Mario characters asking gamers--"Who are you".

Super adgrunts - Click here
to see the ad before it hits the silver screen on October 30.

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Dabitch's picture

500 extras and some great stunts - that stunt the man hit by the car who goes flip-flying is pretty darn neat...

and, great soundtrack. :)

Dabitch's picture

Check this out - gamespot gossips: As part of a new contest called the "Hot Mario! Campaign," Nintendo will be giving out 3,000 additional Famicom-themed Game Boy Advance SPs.

Nintendo will also hand out 1,000 second prizes, a Mario Hat identical to the one seen in a recent Japanese TV commercial...

I know I want one of them hats.