The NFL claims that 9 months after a super bowl win, there's a spike in babies born in the winning city. Interesting, in Sweden there's been a several cases of long power outages during winter, and a baby-boom 9 months later. We know how to keep warm. Wink wink, nudge nudge! The NFL show no data to back their claim up, but lets just take their word for it as some of these super bowl babies are quite cute as they do their best "boy band face", while singing "Kiss from a rose" with new lyrics. That's why Seal jumps in, it's his song. This is a fun new twist to the old "NFL is family" proposition, and I'm sure people will love it come Super Bowl Sunday.
Agency: Grey New York
Chief Creative Officer: Andreas Dahlqvist
Client: NFL
Executive Creative Officer: Leo Savage
Executive Creative Officer: Jeff Stamp
Group Creative Director: Joe Mongognia
ACD/Copywriter: Patrick Conlon
Art Director: Will Gardner
Location Production: Park Pictures
Director: Lance Acord
Director: Chris Wilcha
Executive Producer: Townhouse23
Executive Producer: Misha Maher
Assistant Producer: Scott Cohen
Editorial: Exile
Editor: Kirk Baxter
Editor: Nate Gross
Music/Sound Design: Human