New media agency open: all ad space is rooftops.

You read that right, a brand new media agency has opened and all they sell is rooftop ad space. Inspired by the "target" that people only recently noticed on a Target stores roof thanks to Google maps, RooFShout is dedicated to selling rooftop adspace. They even managed to get an article in Wired on a slow newsday: Monetize Your Roof. Old adfoxes know though, that where there are airports, there are ads aimed at the eyeballs in the sky, and there always has been. This won't stop Colin Fitz-Gerald who is launching a new biz with some happy go lucky attitude.

"I'm currently launching with no money, no real experience running a business on the internet, and no real solid business plan," Fitz-Gerald said. "But I figure there's a lot of blank roofs and a lot of advertising that could go on the roofs."
The rooftop site states "RoofShout is interested in unique, creative advertising venues- not interested in any form of body tattoo advertising or similar venues." yeah, beacuse this idea isn't like those other internet based agencies dedicated to other novelty media at all. Nope siree. This was in Wired, remember? When the hype is hot, build a website! (whoa, headrush, it felt like 1999 again for a moment there..)

Other ads designed to be seen from Airplanes include "crop circle" type executions.

Nike Milan ad for their new barefoot shoe, which went with their entire campaign.

Lynx (later banned) in the design of the Cerne Abbas Giant near Gatwick, London.

Both previously mentioned here: Is non-traditional media going mainstream?

Oh and can anyone out there help me recall where that orange splash logo is from? I recognise it but I'm getting it mixed up with other orange splash logo's in my head.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture

Except the Lynx and Nike ideas were actually good. ;)

This idea sounds like that pix8lcrap type concept.

Dabitch's picture

Well the golden rule is that IDEA comes before MEDIA, else MEDIA replaces the IDEA.

MaryWills's picture

I'm currently launching with no money, no real experience running a business on the internet, and no real solid business plan," Fitz-Gerald said.

Oh my! This seems destined to be a flop from the beginning!

I suppose one should give the poor msiguided man a break as he is at least admitting to the fact that he has no clue at all. But I do have to wonder if he states this on his site, is anyone or any business going hand over money to someone who has no experience or plan?

AnonymousCoward's picture

Yes, I will make money. I got my foot in the internet door and I'm not going to get shoved back out. I like it too much.