MTV - Quiz Bowl Challenge - Paul Walls Fronts (2006) 0:30 (USA)

Director: Bart Smith
Campaign Producer: Adam Palmer
Agency: MTV
Production Company: MTV On-Air Promos
Exec. VP Marketing: Tina Exharos
Creative Director: Kevin Mackall
Executive Producer: Amy Campbell
Dir. On-Air Promos: Brent Stoller
Supervising Producer: Jodi Lahaye
Campaign Credits Producer: Adam Palmer
Copywriter: Bart Smith (Shakira - Bart Smith, Robb Davidson)
Editing Company: Post Millennium
Editors: Nathan Byrne, Post Millennium / Joel Stanner
Editing Co. Exec. Producer: Adam Soutar, Post Millennium
Audio Post: Bartradio
Sound Designer: Robb Davidson and Bart Smith

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