Sure.. Okay.. Fine.... These ads aimed at young adults want to remind you that If it’s not loud and clear, it’s not consent. It’s sexual assault.
Students Nova Scotia (StudentsNS) launched the campaign on tuesday, in the form of posters, stickers for condom wrappers and the site
“We hope this campaign will be informative about everyone’s responsibility to receive clear consent from their partner, without coercion, before engaging in sexual activity,” said StudentsNS Executive Director Jonathan Williams. “Seeking consent is not about avoiding a ‘no’, it’s about receiving an enthusiastic ‘yes’.”
The ads were created by Extreme Group.
“StudentsNS were very inspiring when they briefed us on what they were trying to achieve, so we focused on a strategy and creative execution that would really encourage our target to stop and think,” said Shawn King, President and Chief Creative Officer of Extreme Group. “We wanted to change the conversation in terms of what enthusiastic consent means.”
Ad agency: Extreme group