Moderaterna - "Vote for Ulf - Please" (2018) :60 (Sweden)

Ulf Kristersson's wife, speaks frankly to the camera. He is the party leader for the Moderat party (conservatives) in Sweden, and apparently, he talks about politics all day long at home too. "Ulf is really involved" she explains, as scenes show us how Ulf is taking every topic to a political point, from when his daughters ask him about the rules of croquet, to when he opens a bottle of wine and declares that "(the government monopoly on alcohol) Systembolaget, we shall keep.
Even when they are cleaning together, Ulf manages to make that into a political discussion, "we have to prioritize better!" and at that point, the wife basically begs you to vote for him, so that he can become Prime Minister and talk politics elsewhere. "Vote for Ulf...." "Please" 


An unusually humorous election ad this year, though it may not reach the Roy Anderson epics, I kind of like it, and it reminds me of the sassier ads from the 2006 election like "Sunday Dinner".

Client: Moderaterna

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