M.J. Bale - #UnsuitableJourney 5 days, 9 countries in one suit (2016)

Whybin\TBWA Sydney\Eleven & M.J. Bale crush the man, but can they crush the suit?

Based on the insight that Australians travel further for business purposes than any other nation, and thus they need a suit that can handle it; Whybin\TBWA\Eleven and M.J. Bale, maker of durable 100% Australian Merino Wool suits, launched the #UnsuitableJourney, a real-time travel torture test that played out on Facebook and Instagram. Kudos for picking a handsome blond model to attempt to look good through this ordeal. Thus, M.J. Bale dressed the unsuspecting model in Sydney for a fashion shoot that was happening in London. Getting there took 5 days, through 9 Countries, with no sleep, and one suit. The poor man is a wreck by the time he arrives.

As soon as the the model and the small crew arrived in London, they began shooting the 2016 M.J. Bale Winter Campaign. Model Tom Bull was a broken man but the suit was impeccable, proving that you can crush the man, but you can’t crush the M.J. Bale suit. I love this idea and the suit does look good, even the shirt, that's incredible.

ad agency: Whybin\TBWA Sydney\Eleven

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