Midttrafik - The Bus - (2012) 1:30 Denmark (English VO)

How do you get more people to take the bus? Make it cool man, and nothing is cooler than everything filmed in slow motion. Just ask Carlton Draught.

Production Company: M2Film Producer: Ronni Madsen and Jan P. Advertised brand: Midttrafik Advert title(s): The Bus Translation of headline to English: The Bus Advertising Agency (Name, City, Country): Midttrafik Kommunikation, Aarhus, Denmark 
 Agency website: http://midttrafik.dk 
 Director: Marc Wilkins Project type: TVC Copywriter: Thomas Falkenberg Animation/VFX/Design: Duckling

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AnonymousCoward's picture

I've looked at m2film and they have made some of the best commercial I have ever seen.
Something happens in little Denmark!

The world's best commercial http://www.m2film.dk/#/Highlight-10/?id=9321

-also check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNfe6K1yjTs&feature=relmfu