Mercedes - Summer of Love - (2008) :30 (USA)

From Creative Director Vico Sharabani at rhinofx :
"This was a really fun project with an equally ambitious vision. We were challenged to recreate and enhance the novelty and excitement of an amusement park, with the warmth and emotion of a wholesome family environment, and only had a short time to do it. Our VFX work needed to add to the already rich, nostalgic, and emotive look and feel. Mehdi was able to create an amazing sense of shots as if they were through an old camera lens and our entire team worked to add to this sense through effects and intense color treatments."

Client: Mercedes
Spot Title: Summer of Love
Air Date: June 2008

Agency: Merkley + Partners
CEO: Alex Gellert
ECD/Partner(s): Andy Hirsch, Randy Saitta
Creative Group Head(s): Chris Landi, Tom Qauglino
ACD/AD: Kirk Mosel
ACD/Copywriter: David McMillian
Dir Broadcast Production: Gary Grossman
Sr. Producer: Rachel Novak

Prod Company: Joy Films
Director: Mehdi Norowzian
EP: Matthew Jones
Producer: Paige Seidel

Post/VFX: rhinofx
CD(s): Vico Sharabani, Arman Matin
Producer: Cara Buckley
Flame Artist(s): Jim Rider, Kevin Quinlan, Udi Edni, Yoshiko Hirata
Roto: Joonsuck Park, Thompson Plyler
Compositor: Steven Hannigan
Managing Director: Rick Wagonheim

Editorial: The Whitehouse
Editor: Mark Langley
Producer: Lauren Hertzberg

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