Mellow Mushroom: Follow Us And We’ll Follow You

Back when Kidsleepy lived in Atlanta, Mellow Mushroom was the place to get some serious pie. It was also the place that had stoner mushrooms as mascots. Not much has changed, thankfully. The southern chain is still getting its strangeness on, in over 100 cities. Fitzgerald+CO aims to get more people following Mellow Mushroom on Twitter and Facebook, by having Mellow Mushroom follow them back. Literally. And with good reason: winners will get free pizza for a year. Imagine the munchies you could quell….

For this effort, Mellow Mushroom actually stalked twenty @MellowMushroom followers, by getting their friends and families to act as willing accomplices and trap them Candid Camera-style.

I hope they had a nice “calming come down tent” with incense and candles burning in case some of the people they followed were freaked out from having too much, um, oregano on their pizza.

The promotion is as fun and quirky as the pizza chain. And hot damn do I like the typeface for the call to action at the end.

As for Mellow Mushroom, dudes: Can you please Fedex us a large Kosmic Karma this weekend? We'll dm you our address. Cheers.

Follow us and we'll follow you compilation

Mellow Mushroom Pizza Bakers - @mellowmushroom follows @acuemma


@mellowmushroom follows @richnowalk

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Dabitch's picture

Oh man, this is a great idea. Also, that Pizza, me wants.

AntDude's picture

It doesn't look like a mushroom. :P

kidsleepy's picture

You have no idea how good it is!

Dabitch's picture