Mellow Mushroom "First wife" (2016) :15 (USA)

"Mellow Mushroom can give you a more satisfying eating experience than you had with your first wife." Wow. That's taking the voice over to a whole other level of extremity.

Client: Mellow Mushroom, Atlanta
Client: BooneOakley, Charlotte
CD: David Oakley
AD: Eric Roch von Rochsburg
CW: Mary Gross
Agency Prod.: Laura George

Prod. co.: Boulevard Films, Charlotte
Director: Glen Owen
DP: Jordan McMonagle
Exec Producer: Billy Patete
Producer: Angela Street

Post/Color Correct: Wondersmith, Charlotte
Editor: Chris Walldorf
Producer: Joe Murray
Telecine Artist: Clark Bierbaum
Sound: Groundcrew Studios, Charlotte
Engineers: Ross Wissbaum , John Causby

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Eh? Okayyy... I guess they think it's funny just to spoof those viagra ads, huh?