MEDIA says "lets come together" in sexy promo

Its a little bit of of "Amour" and "Amelie", sex scenes edited together much like the Hollywood stars saying "Hello" were edited together for iPhone, and ends with the pun "Let's come together".

It's an ad from the European Union project MEDIA.

it's pretty clear that these guys are simply wanting this little film to "go viral" - and considering it's been in the newspapers already, they've succeeded. That is, if you count Swedish newspapers that'll print anything in July due to lack of 'news' and the entire staff of journalists being replaced by interns while the real deal is on vacation. But does anyone here know what MEDIA really does now, or care?

Apart from the fun in guessing where the sex scenes come from the film really isn't that exiting, and it explains very little about what MEDIA is. Media states that this is what they do:

The new MEDIA 2007 programme (2007-2013) is the fourth multi-annual programme since 1991 (past programmes) and has a budget of € 755 million. It simplifies the programme's administration but certainly not its objectives:
  • to strive for a stronger European audiovisual sector, reflecting and respecting Europe’s cultural identity and heritage
  • to increase the circulation of European audiovisual works inside and outside the European Union
  • to strengthen the competitiveness of the European audiovisual sector by facilitating access to financing – in particular SMEs and the use of digital technologies
  • Yeah ok, that's nice to know, I guess. God, now I need a vacation.
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