When your "thriller" of a cars main feature is that the hardtop closes in 12 second flat - a.k.a the fastest folding hardtop roof currently available - the ads just write themselves don't they? JWT-Düsseldorf and Maverick Media got together and did the "thriller" campaign for for Mazda Motor Europe - there's the website 12secondthriller.com, posters and three web films.
Igor Karpalov, Art Director on the project said, "We wanted to tell a funny and engaging story that really took its jumping off point in the product itself." Kurt B. Geiger, Copywriter said, "And the story is that the new MX-5 is thrilling to drive and the retractable hardtop opens and closes in 12 seconds. So we just put two and two together."
Straight from the press release:
Damian Donnellan, Communications Manager at Mazda Motor Europe said, “We wanted to reach the core of the roadster market, and that’s the kind of people who are thrill seekers – and who not surprisingly enjoy the thriller genre – and who often spend their entertainment time online. We’re doing that and creating brand familiarity at the same time. All in a Zoom-Zoom way.”
Hang on, did he just say zoom-zoom way? Too much cool-aid mister!
Pieter Dorenbosch, e-Business Manager at Mazda Motor Europe, said, “As the automotive industry moves more of its advertising budget online the integration of our marketing communications and media usage is vital for success. JWT has provided the kind of creative assets that all of our communication partners can use and expand upon.”
Credit where credit is due: Client: Mazda Motor Europe Vice President Marketing: Masahiro Moro Communications Manager: Damian Donnellan e-Business Manager: Pieter Dorenbosch Agency: JWT-Düsseldorf Creative Director: Eddy Greenwood Creatives: Kurt B. Geiger and Igor Karpalov Viral Director: Seamus Masterson Viral Production Company: Maverick Media Poster Photography: Peer Brecht Online Production: Syzygy-London
O.K. I'll start the ball rolling. I've seen the "Zombie" spot for this campaign - Maverick keeps spamming me with emails for their so-called virals. Generally they're rubbish and this is no exception. Completely naff.
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PermalinkA little less rubbish than they usually are, but still rubbish.
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PermalinkJust in case anyone's still interested, we recently put together this short film describing the entire "12 Second Thriller" pre-launch campaign.
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