Mass quitting at Farfar, Stockholm: the entire Nokia team leaves the agency

The big news in Sweden is that the entire Nokia team has left Farfar, the Isobar owned hot shop that created the worlds biggest signpost for Nokia and countless other groundbreaking ideas. Dagens Media has interviewed everyone and their little dog too abut Farfar, and now have word from the Jakob Swedenborg and Mårten Forslund that left as to why: "Isobel worked against us every step of the way" they say. Both the launch of Farfar, London and Farfar New York was sabotaged by Isobel.

" soon as there's talk about new business you end up in a competing position with Isobar's other agencies, and truth be told, I don't think anyone wanted us there" says Mårten Fishlund about the London Launch where Farfar worked on Nokia from a hotel room. The same thing happened in New York : -" I had the visa, the apartment and the work, but there wasn't a single agency in North America that wanted Farfar there, not even Isobar. That's the problem when a network tries to bring local agencies out in the world."

The quitters are key people at the agency, including the MD Matias Palm-Jensen. Mårten Forslund AE for Nokia, Jakob Swedenborg and Erik Norin, Creative Directors on the Nokia account as well as Daniel Wall, Jeff Salomonsson, Tomas Jonsson, Ante Stenberg and Carl Fredrik Jannerfeldt have all walked away from Farfar today.

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