Manchester United turns into Indonesia united #indonesiaunite

Great ideas exist everywhere. Even your mom has them. Advertising and design ideas are different. Great ideas in advertising are ideas made better by being solutions to the presented problem. has the solution.

The problem

Manchester United canceled off their Asia tour agenda to Jakarta following the bomb blasts happened at one of the hotel where the elite team were due to stay in. The match scheduled for July 20 has been a long waiting for Indonesia MU fan for a couple month before and has been a big cause for t-shirt street dealers to make a massive production of MU T-shirts and Jersey. Affected by the blasts and the team cancelation, the fans euphoria are gone and the dealers must lost big amount of money, unable to gain a prospective consumer who was about to buy their T-shirt on the day MU team come.

So, now these vendors are out money and stuck with unsellable t-shirts. Uh-oh.

The solution

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