Maersk - 'Together, All The Way' – An Anthem (2020) 3:00 (Denmark)

This spoken word rap music video dance-off thing is aching to tell us how shipping is diversity because oceans connect us globally, or something, and all I can think when seeing it is that I'm impressed someone managed to sell this hot mess through.
Who is this intended for? It might appeal to fans of dance and rap, maybe? I don't know, I just feel it's really awkward, which is fair enough because I'm not the global logistics manager. And if I was, I'm not sure this would make me pick Maersk over say Oracle, Shipchain or OSG. I'm glad everyone from IBM to Shipchain are talking about blockchain shipping, but I'm not sure rapping about it will help the end customer understand the point of it all. 

Film Director and Writer Malcolm Green

Composer: Kevin Pollard

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