London International awards winners on the web

Last night at the London International Advertising Awards a few interesting ideas fought for the ghost category prize - called Lavoie's Playground.

This tea-cup with the "Prince of Wales" tea in it, made for Twinings put Danielle Lanz and Markus Ruf's agency Ruf Lanz in Zurich on the ad-map.

Go over to LIAAawards site to see other winners and finalists.

Lavoie likened having Ghost ads entering real awards to a fixed race.

"It's like two runners in a race, one having hurdles to jump and the other none. "

The LIAA is probably the first significant award show to create a permanent place for ghost ads - rather than a show created for Ghost ads alone, such as The Dead Radio Awards, or The Ghost Magazine and award.
Cannes Lions turned down the idea of creating a specific ghost category last year - and unfortunatly had their gold poster winner spoiled by being, a ghost ad.

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