Logotype porn on Flickr from the book "World of Logotypes"

Over at Flickr a user called mr carl has scanned what seems to be the entire book "World of Logotypes" by Al Cooper and put every page up here - which is total logo porn for us fans of such things. Al Cooper's book can actually still be bought used, even on Amazon but has been out of print for many years, it was first published in the mid-seventies. Still, the flickr images carry the "© All rights reserved" bit, which means mr carl just copyrighted someone elses copyrighted work, ballsy! But we've learned by now that when it comes to copyrights, the big guys like Yahoo (flickr), Google (youtube) and even more recently the Associated Press play by their own rules don't they? It seems to go a little like this: "don't infringe our stuff but we'll infringe yours and blame it on our users, nyah nyah".

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RLDavies's picture

I think I'm in love. I might also have to do some downloading before Mr Carl is asked to delete it all.