Logitech UE- Christmas Truce / Power To The Music (2012) :60 (USA)

This ad shows Christmas Eve in 1914, on the Western Front in World War I, where British and German soldiers set a temporary truce after the British heard the Germans singing “Silent Night.”

The VO: “If music has the power to stop a war, even if only for one night, then it deserves to be heard in all its glory. At Logitech UE, everything we do is for people who don’t just love music. They live for it.”

The miracle of WW1 has been the subject of both movies and operas, and I have a feeling I've seen it in ads before as well. It's a powerful story, nicely told although the lighting feels very "studio shoot" here and that takes away a lot of the atmosphere. They have a point about music though.

Ad agency: DOJO, San Francisco
Creative Director: Mauro Alencar
Principal talent: Lee Ingleby

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