Listerine want you to know that a smile is more powerful than you think, and you should flash those pearly whites more often. Proving their point, they created an app that detects smiles, and introduced this app to people who are legally blind. The group selected are quite fun and emotive as they ponder the importance of smiles and share experiences in their lives while they come to the realisation that smiles are indeed powerful. When they get to see the app in action, they laugh and smile at it as soon as it vibrates. The app, built by J Walter Thompson has been approved by the RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People) in the UK, which is quite cool. While this ad is a much needed 180 from the usual white lab coats and animated fighting mouth-wash bottles, and I applaud that, I'm not convinced yet that Listerine can own "smiles" with just one app.
Brand: Listerine
Ad Agency: J Walter Thompson
Director: Lucy Walker