Link Lust - Whats link got to do with it?

We interrupt this drab Tuesday evening with some love brought to you by fast-acting linkactin.

Garfield goes GRRRrRR to Y&R: "It is mind-boggling, in this day and age, with a marketing revolution in progress, that anybody would be so backward as to sling this bullshit. More remarkable still, the commercial is so busy being cinematic and ethereal, it doesn't even give you much of a look at the cars-much less an opportunity to fall in love with them. If you're going to regress to the oldest advertising tropes, the very least you can do is show the goods." Ouch. ;)

Shoot my blog is poised to be the new million pixel plague. All you gotta do is take a creative picture of the blog and send them, and you'll get your own webpage linked for the trouble. This idea could go on forever.

More of the "I'm a mac & I'm a PC" style spoofs from the guys who puts snakes on everything the other week.

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