Link Lust: Friday I'm in link.

Venture Capital wear has a T-shirt that reads Your mom is not a valid test market.

The NYT: celebrating the semicolon

One of the school system's most notorious graduates, David Berkowitz, the Son of Sam serial killer who taunted police and the press with rambling handwritten notes, was, as the columnist Jimmy Breslin wrote, the only murderer he ever encountered who could wield a semicolon just as well as a revolver. (Mr. Berkowitz, by the way, is now serving an even longer sentence.)

The La Comunidad’s Mollá brothers (José and Joaquín) are featured in Mens Vogue this month, posing on their cool boat down in sunny Miami no less.

Ideas on Ideas says fuck style, and by that they pity the fools who think that style is "design".

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Wendall's picture

$100 t-shirts? That's either brilliant or typical internet-stupid.

Dabitch's picture

Ha! They really are 100? That's so funny. I totally thought they were kidding. Love the ebay like option of buying the whole company for 100K instead.

Wendall's picture

I'm going to guess that it's mostly a joke, but that they would in fact send you a shirt if you paid them $100.

adlib's picture

Damn José and Joaquín, they have my career! I want to live in Miami in a druglords house and have boats and great accounts.

Dabitch's picture

If you play nice maybe they'll hire you. ;)