Lame alert: Adland's videographer banned from Cannes?

Agencyspy were quite amused, and quite pissed off, that our Videographer set to travel with us to Cannes didn't get a press pass due to the fact that he used to work as a copywriter. Normally we would have brought our "predator" Thomas, a producer, editor and skilled DOP, but he's tied up with another project. Holger to the rescue - except his former career as a copywriter was now a hindrance to his new one, and Holger did not get a press pass to Cannes events. Don't worry, after some back and fourth we resolved the issue with ever helpful Cannes staff who have assisted us at Eurobest as well.

Ask Dabitch Wappling is by and far one of the top adbloggers. She’s not only host to one of the largest ad databases, but also a fantastic person to know (even if only via inter webs). She’s going to Cannes, and had asked a friend and former copywriter to attend as her cameraman for Adland TV. But the Cannes folks won’t let her cameraman in because (uh oh) he used to be a copywriter.

Lame. Watch the video in all its Euro-accented goodness for an explanation. We love Adland, Commercial Archive and really hope they get in. C’mon Cannes, don’t be dbags yet! The show hasn’t even started.

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