Kraftmaid Cabinetry - Discovery Home Channel (2004) 0:30 (USA)

A lot of people liked the the fast talkin' Fed Ex and Home Depot commercials because they're intentionally funny. But when a client creates a fast talkin' ad by accident, it's just sad.
The Discovery Home Channel gives Kraftmaid Cabinetry a 5 second billboard before their commercial. Normally, the billboard is short and sweet - "This progam was brought to you by so-so". However, for whatever reason, the client decides to stuff their 5 seconds with about 30 seconds worth of copy. It just sounds horrible.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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deeped's picture

Why do a billboard before their own spot? This seem plain stupid.

Robblink's picture

It's sort of an intro to the commerical. A little added value program cable networks give big spending advertisers. Sometimes the network airs a billboard for one advertiser, but then follows with a commercial from a different advertiser....and that throws me off!

caffeinegoddess's picture

Crikey! That's just awful.

deeped's picture

Seem rather stupid to me...