Karyn still cashing in...

Remember Karyn?
The girl who had gotten herself deep into credit card debt and asked people to donate money to help her at Savekaryn.com?

She not only paid off her debt in full, she also scored a book deal. The book "Save Karyn - One Shopaholic's Journey to Debt and Back" will be available in the US come September.

Bookmagazines latest issue reveals that Karyn is in talks with Sony Pictures about a movie deal. Milk it for all it's worth Karyn.

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AnonymousCoward's picture

Hey, if she can do that, then I can do this: get my car fixed! Maybe I'll even write a book about it when it's all said and done...


Why not?
At least I didn't run my credit cards into the ground, just my car.

Sport's picture

Sony dear, listen to me.. That film will flop! Don't do it!