K-Fed has suspected heart attack while taping 'Excess Baggage', spells un-good PR for fast weightloss

K-fed, also known as well-fed and Britney Spears ex-husband Kevin Federline is recording Excess Baggage, a celebrity weight loss series, in Australia. Yes TV has gotten that bad, aren't you glad you set fire to your set years ago? Back in December he was taken to hospital with signs of heat stress, and yesterday he was rushed to the hospital with chest pains that some feared was a heart attack.

'He did his challenge, which was running and catching the ball, then while his [in-series weight-loss partner] was taking the same challenge, he reported chest pains and a racing heart.
'Obviously on this show we have a lot of paramedics on standby and they treated him for the first signs of a minor cardiac arrest, called an ambulance and had him taken to hospital.'

The show that wishes to encourage people to lose weight fast, may instead serve as a warning to people to not gain a lot of weight rapidly and try to shed it again just as fast. Your heart will hate you for it, and you don't wantto mess with that muscle. Now eat your vegetables and don't even think about McDonald's for a week.

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