Join the "Dead Tired Designers" club and spruce up your laptop with these stickers

Sometimes you just want to bury your entire laptop in stickers. You get all sorts of stickers from tradeshows, your favorite brands, organizations that you belong to, and even the company you work for on occasion. So it is with carefully curated stickers on our laptops that we signal to the world who we are, and what we do. Working in public spaces and offices, the stickers also serve to attract like-minded people who know what each sticker means and create an easy ice-breaker.

So how do you tell the world that you are a dead tired designer? One who is fed up with the constant ask to make the logo bigger. One who has deadlines keeping them at work late at night? One that on an inspiration spree accidentally created genius and now needs to make up the rationale after the fact. A designer who wouldn't mind being approached by another dead-tired designer to share a commiserating pint after work with.

Join the and get some fancy stickers! 

Created on a lark by Tommy Mason and Korey, these stickers are pretty cute and shipping within the UK is free. 

Dead Tired Designers stickers for laptops and whatnots

I'll see if there's any space left on mine where I can wiggle one of these in. 

Dabitch's laptops.
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Sport's picture

The number of stickers that you have is obscene.

Dabitch's picture

One can never ever ever have too many stickers.