Joe Boxer stakes claim as the official sponsor of lounging with nonactivity tracker

FCB Chicago and Kmart found a sport they can totally own. With all these hipster fitness trackers available, and seemingly everyone - including President Obama - wearing them (that's not a security issue, no siree), Joe Boxer found to zig to that zag. the Joe Boxer inactivity tracker, which you'll get free with any Kmart purchase of Joe Boxer jammies.

"It tracks your lack of movement. It then rewards and motivates you to do what you really want to be doing: absolutely nothing.
Inactivity is as important as activity. Start keeping track of what you’re not doing."

To celebrate this real, functioning, non-activity tracker Joe Boxer also brings you the 2015 Joe Boxer Lounger Games. Watch the rookie on the right, during the games he makes a few mistakes like scratching his chin and blinking falling behind already in the first few minutes of the entire one hour game. Yes, it's one hour. We should applaud these amazing sportsmen for their incredible non-activity stamina.

Creative Team: Thiago Cruz, Bruno Guimaraes, Gustavo Dorietto, Gabriel Schmitt
Designer: Matthaeus Frost, Jordan Sparrow
Copywriter: Matt Everts
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