It's confirmed, Madonna will advertise H&M

Last year she looked great in Versace, three years ago she challenged Missy to a split in that GAP commercial, but this fall Madonna will be strutting her stuff for cheap high street brand H&M. Seems H&M saved a bundle by firering their ad agencies, as they can now afford the material girl who got $6 million for her 1999 Max Factor campaign, and demanded that her childrens books be sold at the Gap in '03.

These rumors have now been confirmed - this summer when Madonna is on tour H&M have sent a special selection of clothes for her marked "Madonna & Crew" which probably means that the roadies will wear it. This fall, a Madonna approved (or designed depends on who you ask) track suit will be available in the stores, and Madonna will pose with her dancers for H&M. No word yet on how much this all costs.

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