ISI "Overwhelmed by Debt" (2016) :40 (Ireland)

When you're overwhelmed by debt it feels like, well, it feels like you are literally drowning in debt. The Insolvency Service of Ireland wants you to know there is help.

Client: The Insolvency Service of Ireland
Anita Jordan – Communications and Corporate Affairs, ISI
Aoife O'Connor - Communications and Corporate Affairs, ISI
Irish International BBDO
Des Kavanagh - Creative Director, Irish International BBDO
Clayton Homer - Senior Art Director, Irish International BBDO
Martin Stirling - Director, Partizan
Lucy Hayes - Producer, Partizan
John Mealing - Production Manager, Partizan
Carl Burke - DOP
Steve Ackroyd – Editor, Final Cut, London
Post Production – Coffee & TV, London
Dean Jones – Sound, Raygun
Johan Söderqvist – Composer.
Dillon Elliott - Copywriter, Irish International BBDO
Rosanne Clarke - Account Director, Irish International BBDO

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