Interpublic sues Frank Lowe

Interpublic has initiated legal proceedings for the violation of contractual and fiduciary duties against Frank Lowe. The company's claim states that, using confidential and proprietary information related to clients and agency personnel that was garnered as a result of his employment by Lowe Worldwide, Mr. Lowe has begun a campaign to induce such executives and clients to leave the Lowe agency and join a rival firm which he is in the process of establishing. Interpublic will pursue its claims before the American Arbitration Association in the state of New York.

Commenting on its claim, Interpublic indicated: "Frank Lowe sold his agency to Interpublic in 1990 for tens of millions of dollars and subsequently received many times that amount in financial support and resources to build a global network, recruit and compensate key talent. Our claim states that, in breach of his continuing fiduciary responsibilities, he has chosen to use contacts and proprietary knowledge to damage Lowe and Interpublic. We will be asking the panel for monetary compensation and injunctive action. We also intend to hold any Lowe employee seeking to join Mr. Lowe to their full notice period."

Brings back some memories of the mutiny of the Saatchi 17 who followed Mike Burns to Interpublic's new shop and the legal action taken against Mike Burns for the same sort of breach of contract.

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BrandRepublic reports that Sir Frank has responded to the Interpublic release with a statement calling for Interpublic to back down.

"My legal team is seeking an immediate withdrawal of the claim submitted by Interpublic to the American Arbitration Association on January 13 and an unreserved apology for the allegations contained within it and their press release of the same date," the statement read.

"The allegations are without foundation and are utterly refuted. If Interpublic does not withdraw its baseless claims we may seek damages for defamation and tortious interference."