Intel puts celebrities in your lap

Intel has a new campaign for the fall breaking this week highlighting "the digital entertainment benefits of the Intel(R) Centrino(R) mobile technology platform for laptop PCs." The campaign, created by McCann Worldgroup in New York, will run in 8 countries as print, online, retail, TV, and outdoor.

Ads feature celebrities such as soccer player Michael Owen, actress Lucy Liu, skateboarder Tony Hawk, and actors Tony Leung and John Cleese. Read on to see the ads.


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Dabitch's picture

The guy with Tony Hawk in his lap seems to be enjoying it a tad too much. ;)

caffeinegoddess's picture

And the guy Michael Owen is sitting on looks like he's wondering who the hell this guy is. ;)

AnonymousCoward's picture

I can't wait for the spoofs!