I'm seeing double in the halls of the Shining.

I don't know what brought on the sudden popularity of The Shining - perhaps all work and no play makes ad-Jack a dull boy?

Verizon - Dead Zones / Creepy kids :30 (USA) vs Queen Silvia's children's hospital :60 (Sweden)

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RLDavies's picture

Stanley Kubrick's all over the news right now because his 900 boxes of notes, archive material, etc. have been donated to a university and have recently been gone through. This might explain the burst of interest. Channel 4 here in the UK has been celebrating with a Kubrick season.

Dabitch's picture

Yeah, we have that ad too - I love that one, where on earth did they find all lookalikes? Would have loed to see how they worded the casting ad for that. :))

More 4 - The Shining (back stage) - (2008) :65 (UK)