Hi-performance sumo-wresting weird ad. wth, distributel?

Just got this from adgrunt TDD:

I found this in my mailbox today. I don't know about you, but I don't get
the impression of "Hi-Performance" from the photograph. ;-)

Neither do I. What are the two sumo-like big guys meant to represent? Mafia collection men with their shirts at cleaners (worst mixed metaphor ever). This ad might finally topple the Beverly Hills oedipus ad with MILF in the shower from the "weirdest ad ever"-throne. What is with having two people represent broadband/telco's anyway, and why did we over in Sweden get saddled with bad Snapple/Wendy clones?

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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TDD's picture

If you go to the Distributel Communications Limited web site, the ads get even more confusing.

Dabitch's picture

Wow, I got lost there.