Happy Valentine's Day - Gift Giving - Psyop (2008) 1:40 (USA)

Happy Valentines day to everyone from Todd Mueller and Jon Saunders, and everyone else at Psyop. PS, the music is "Love in My Pocket" by VHS or Beta. Special thanks to Brian Long at Yes Know Management. I would have gotten this cute, and bloody animation up yesterday but my day suddenly ran out. Plus, it seems so appropriate for a Valentine’s day hangover, dontchathink? ;)

Title: Happy Valentine’s Day
Directors: Todd Mueller and Jon Saunders, Psyop
Production Company: Psyop, New York
Design: Jon Saunders
Storyline: Pete Sickbert-Bennett, Todd Mueller, Jon Saunders
Executive Producer: Lucia Grillo
Producer: Nathan Jew
Animation: Damon Ciarelli
Helen Choi
Eric Luhta
Modeling/Rigging: Tony Barbieri
Lee Wolland
Joon Lee
Compositing: Danny Kahaji
Editorial: Brett Goldberg
Sound Design: Amber Music
Music Track: "Love in My Pocket" by VHS or Beta
Special thanks: Brian Long at Yes Know Management

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alex's picture

I love it. It brought a tear to my eye. (But it didn't help my hangover).

adlib's picture

Aaaw.. OW!...Aaaw.

Wendall's picture

I...like it? I'm really not quite sure.

Imanaddy's picture

Just like love, it starts sweet, hurts in the middle and in in the end we're dead anyway.

Wendall's picture

An inside, everyone is an anthropomorphic purple heart.